Iris Under $10
Hundreds of beautiful and tough cultivars under $10!
345 results
- Stout Gardens Introductions
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- Tall Bearded Iris
- Intermediate Bearded Iris
- Border Bearded Iris
- Miniature Tall Bearded Iris (MTB)
- Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris
- Arilbred Iris
- Spuria Iris
- Species-X Iris
- Reblooming Iris
- Imported Iris
- Iris Under $10
- Black Iris
- Purple Iris
- Blue Iris
- Yellow Iris
- Red Iris
- Orange Iris
- Pink Iris
- Space Age Iris
- Broken Color, Novelty
- Plicata & Luminata Patterns
- White Iris
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Sold Out
Iris Breathtaking
$ 8.00
Iris Breezy Blue
$ 7.00
Iris Bumblebee Deelite
$ 9.00
Iris Bunny Slope
$ 8.00
Iris Butterscotch Wine
$ 7.00
Iris Cache Of Gold
$ 7.00
$ 8.00
Iris Calico Lace
$ 7.00
Iris California Fiesta
$ 9.00
Iris Candlemas
$ 8.00
Iris Candy Apple
$ 7.00
Iris Candy Dragon
$ 7.00
$ 8.00
Iris Candy Rock
$ 8.00
Iris Carter Spring
$ 9.00
Sold Out
Iris Caspian Soothsayer
$ 0.00
Iris Casual Attire
$ 8.00
Iris Celebration Song
$ 9.00
Iris Celestial Horizon
$ 9.00
$ 10.00
Iris Center Line
$ 9.00
$ 10.00
Iris Chain Reaction
$ 7.00
Iris Cheer Me Up
$ 8.00
Iris Cheerful Chipmunk
$ 8.00
Only 1 left!
Iris Cher's Delight
$ 8.00
Iris Chief John Jolly
$ 9.00
Sold Out
Iris Child Of Selardi
$ 0.00
Iris Chill Factor
$ 9.00
Iris Club Tattoo
$ 7.00
$ 8.00
Sold Out
Iris Cold Hearted
$ 8.00
Iris Color
$ 7.00
$ 8.00
Iris Company Red
$ 9.00
Iris Conjuration
$ 9.00
Iris Cool Jerk
$ 9.00
$ 10.00
Iris Coronal Light
$ 9.00
Iris Cotillon Gown
$ 9.00
$ 10.00
Iris County Cork
$ 9.00
Iris Courtney Rucker
$ 8.00