About Us

About Stout Gardens at Dancingtree

   We have been growing, showing and hybridizing both daylilies and iris since 1999. Hugh Stout is a hybridizer of daylilies and iris. He is a master judge with the American Iris Society as well as a past garden judge for the American Hemerocallis Society. He is also past president of the Oklahoma Horticultural Society and Oklahoma Iris Society and served on the board of Oklahoma City Beautiful for eight years as well as Sustainable OKC. He is currently president of the Tall Bearded Iris Society as well as a past president of the Tall Bearded Iris Society for six years.  He represented his region of Oklahoma and Arkansas (Region 22) as RVP for the American Iris Society.

   We travel all over the United States each year giving programs and judging clinics for iris. We'd love to visit your group.

   Stout Gardens has been a tour stop on the 2007 AIS National Convention tour, the 2011 and 2021 Median Iris National, the Region 11 Daylily Regional as well as the American Garden Writers Association tour, water garden and Oklahoma Horticultural Society tours. The gardens are also an AIS Median Iris Society and Tall Bearded Iris Society Display Garden. They have been the site for many weddings as well.

   Stout Gardens is a state licensed & inspected nursery specializing in daylilies and iris. All plants are grown here at Stout Gardens. You can shop with confidence knowing our flowers are guaranteed true to name and healthy. We sell only cultivars that have proven themselves worthy in Oklahoma's tough and diverse climate.

You can contact us at:
or by phone at (405) 642.4190.

We are located at:
432 NE 70th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105


Hugh Stout

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